Moonlighting is not as what as easy as you think. Only those passionate enough has able to launch their startup after putting in their hours at a typical nine-to-five and live the rest of their weekdays. Now, some of them want to share their following tips to help moonlighting entrepreneurs succeed in challenging journey from a night job into a day job.
Find a free office
According to Scott Dettman, a senior data scientist and PhD candidate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, moonlighting requires understanding the nature of the work you are trying to do and think about what is necessary for you to accomplish this work. For him, being entrepreneurial means you are able to find solutions to relatively widespread problems and be creative. Say for example, instead of spending the funds on a co-working space right away, Dettman works in a place where he and his friends like to hang out like on campus, at a bar, in a park or at a 24-hour restaurant.
Make your day job work for you
For some entrepreneurs like Jerry Lee of Los Angeles, doing something that is relevant to your day job can build synergy between your day and night job. He engages on web development projects with companies that are potential StoryLeather’s business partner or customer. Eventually, his day job as a web developer eventually served as an avenue for his night job as founder of StoryLeather, an online retailer specializing in custom-made leather goods.
Change up your environment
Vannessa Wade, an adult ESL teacher who moonlights as a public relations specialist, found herself needing a change of scenery and look for a co-working space to get her public relations work done. She finds meeting new people in places like parks, business centers, restaurants and coffee shops as an inspiration to optimize her job and range of engagements.
Work anywhere and everywhere
For an advertising account executive Samantha Cole of Virginia Beach, who moonlights as a pioneer of Samantha Cole Digital Labs, working in any places from kitchen table to car and works in anytime even during lunch break and every night helps an entrepreneur to maximize his/her time and promotes productivity.
Network, network, network
Asha, the 33-year-old who runs FoodLY during the day and publishes NOURISHED Magazine at night, makes sure to allot her early evenings for writing at a co-working space in Manhattan, which is an opportunity to network with entrepreneurs who are just ending their day. She believes that it is very important to meet people, exchange ideas, even if you’re not working with them.